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White Crane Temple Style Tai Chi

Grand Master Sunyata Saraswati

2874B Willow Cove Dr. Winston-Salem NC.

(336) 650-0369

September 16, 2001

Letter of Reference

Dear Sir or Madam:

Mr. Hackett as a skilled and proficient Tai Chi instructor with over 20 years of Chinese Martial Arts training has provided his services and demonstrated Tai Chi at various times for public and civic Organizations. He & his students have participated in demonstrations with us in High Point NC.

He has also assisted me in providing insight and instructional assistance to many of my senior students to help them better understands the principles and concepts of Tai Chi Chuan. His has an excellent knowledge of Internal Martial Arts and has studied the history, concepts and philosophy of Chinese Martial Arts in-depth.

Mr. Hackett has obtained a rare and not widely known skill in Tai Chi Chuan, Pa-Kua Chang Chuan & Hsing -I Chuan 'Which are the three Major Chinese Internal Martial Arts and has exemplified accurate knowledge of all three Systems and continues to progress and develop these skills.

We will continue to have Mr. Hackett participate in training seminars and other events demonstrating some of the more traditional Chinese Internal Martial Arts skills he has developed over the past 20 years and hope that many other organizations can get a chance to take advantage of this rare and unique set of skills.


Grand Master Sunyata Saraswati


The Women's Hospital  of Greensboro                                                                                                           801 Green Valley Road      

Greensboro, NC 7408-7079        

Writer's Direct Number.  336.832.5500

March 8, 1999                                                                                                                                      

Clifton Hackett

2005 Gray Dawn Court

High Point, NC 27265

Dear Clifton:

Thank you for agreeing to teach the extra class of T'ai Chi. We have had such an overwhelming response, we decided to add a second session to accommodate the interest of people who will be attending the Saturday program.

The Women's Education Center of The Women's Hospital of Greensboro will sponsor the ninth Saturday for Me program on Saturday, March 1 3, 1 999. The theme is Saturday lor Me: Hearing the Body and Mind. Women and men will be given the opportunity to attend three program sessions during the morning from 8:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. at The Women's Hospital. Based on past interest and attendance, we expect at least 200 people to attend.

I am pleased you have accepted our invitation to participate in this program and make a presentation titled T'ai Chi Ch'uan. The description of your session that will be included in promotional materials reads as follows:

T'ai Chi Ch'uan

The gentle, relaxed movements of this ancient Chinese system of exercise, meditation and self-defense are easy for people at any age and fitness level.   A certified instructor will show you the basics and talk about the benefits which may include stress reduction, lower blood pressure and help for other conditions. Dress comfortably for this program.

Each program session will be one hour. Some time should be reserved at the beginning for a brief introduction and at the end for questions. Your program session is scheduled from 8:45-9:45 a.m. in Classroom 3 on the first floor.

In addition to the program sessions, there will be exhibits and door prizes. You may display brochures or materials to promote your practice or organization on the counter in the room where your session will be held. There will be no honorarium for this program. We thank you for this community service contribution. In return, we expect that you will receive wide visibility for your classes and skill.

Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Saturday for Me: Healing the Body and Mind program. I am glad you will be part of tiie teaching team. Your expertise and contribution will make it a special day to help us make the participants more aware of how to create health.

Sincsrely, Sheron K. Sumner, Ph.D. Manager, Community Education